1. Heart rate

How should you wear and use your smartwatch?

With wrist-based heart rate monitoring, you can measure your heart rate continuously throughout the day. This is beneficial because your heart rate determines how many AQ you earn, and with continuous measurements, everything you do in your daily life is included in your total AQ score. However, wrist-based heart rate monitoring is sensitive technology, and to get an accurate AQ score, you should be aware of how to use your smartwatch to obtain the most accurate pulse measurements possible.

First and foremost, ensure that the watch fits well on your arm. Position it at least one finger's width above the wrist to ensure accurate measurements. Tighten the watch slightly during exercise to prevent movement on the wrist. Ensure that the heart rate sensor is in contact with the skin and is minimally affected by daylight.

Regularly clean the underside of the watch to ensure that the heart rate sensor receives clear signals.

Activities that involve clenching fists, such as strength training with weights, cross-country skiing, and cycling, can restrict blood flow to the forearms and hands. During these types of activities, wrist-based heart rate monitors may have difficulty capturing increases in heart rate. This also applies to outdoor activities in cold or wet weather, where blood vessels in cold body parts may constrict. In such weather conditions, cover your hands and forearms to obtain better measurements.

Heart rate measurements may also be disrupted in certain other situations, such as during heavy manual labor where fists are clenched and/or when using tools such as drills, chisels, lawnmowers, or other types of equipment that cause wrist vibrations.

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