1. AQ, VO2 max & Fitness Age

What is AQ?

AQ stands for Activity Quotient Intelligence. The AQ algorithm is based on your heart rate from the last seven days and gives you a single number that measures the health effects of your activity level - based on you and your personal circumstances. You earn AQ every time your heart rate increases.

Research from NTNU shows that individuals who achieve at least 100 AQ over time, on average, live 5-10 years longer in good health than individuals who are less physically active. 100 AQ and more is optimal, but even 50-99 AQ is associated with significant health benefits.

It doesn't matter what type of activity you choose to earn AQ. You can walk, run, swim, cycle, ski, dance, or engage in any other activity that increases your heart rate. AQ is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and physical fitness. How you want to earn your AQ points is entirely up to you.

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