1. AQ, VO2 max & Fitness Age

Why is it so difficult to achieve 100 AQ?

Do you have a heart rate monitor that measures continuously? Not all watches and activity trackers share continuous heart rate data with us.

With standard settings on the Apple Watch, you will only receive AQ points by starting a workout on the watch. If you want to earn AQ for all the activity you do, you can turn on continuous heart rate monitoring in the settings on the watch.

From Garmin, Fitbit, Polar, Suunto, Withings and Samsung Watch we receive continuous heart rate measurements. However, to get the most accurate heart rate measurements, it is a good idea to start an activity on the watch when you are physically active.

Are you sure your heart rate monitor is connected? Check if your heart rate monitor is connected.

Has heart rate data been transferred from your watch? After you have been physically active, data must be transferred to the Mia Health app from your heart rate monitor via the watch provider's app (from Garmin watch to Garmin Connect app, for example). Once done, the transfer of data to the Mia Health app should happen automatically.

Note that you must start a workout on your watch for data to be transferred to the watch's app and then to Mia Health immediately after the activity is completed. If you have been active without starting a session on your watch, it may take a few hours for the data to be transferred to the watch provider's server, and then Mia Health cannot fetch heart rate data to calculate AQ. To speed up this process, you can open the watch provider's app so that data is transferred to their server.

Check that the personal information you have entered is correct. Personal information such as gender, resting heart rate, and maximum heart rate affect how quickly you earn AQ. It is therefore important that you have registered the correct information in your health profile. You can change this by selecting "You" at the bottom right of the app and then "Health Profile."

Note that you can achieve a maximum of 65 AQ in one day. Research shows that one must be physically active at least two days a week to achieve optimal health effects. Therefore, you cannot earn more than 65 AQ in one day, no matter how active you are.

Is your heart rate monitor measuring correctly, so that your AQ score reflects your real activity level? Read more about how to get the most accurate heart rate measurements and what it takes for you to earn AQ for the activity you do.

If you didn't find the answer to your question, feel free to contact our user support.
