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Mia Health is a holistic toolkit
for companies

Mia Health for companies consists of an intuitive app, a user friendly web portal and a series of services to encourage physical activity amongst employees.


Mia Health app

The Mia Health app gives each employee an overview of their own health status and activity level over time. With motivating and research-based tools, each individual is encouraged to activity on their own terms. PAI and fitness age from Mia Health are guaranteed to be a topic of conversation around the lunch table.

Insight portal

In Mia Insight, company leaders get a comprehensive overview of engagement, activity level and health status and development in the company. Through the portal view, both leadership and local enthusiasts are able to spread motivation, organize activities and challenge employees at individual and department level. With Mia Insight, you manage economical spending and effort where it actually matters.




Community and challenges

In the company's own community within the Mia Health app, employees can sign up for events and challenges, share activity motivation with each other, receive relevant news from the company, and much more. The company community is organized from Mia Insight.

Easy to implement

Download the app and follow the progression in the insight portal.


Works for everyone

Mia works for everyone regardless of your health status.


Focus on long term effects

Use Mia to improve the health in the company over time.


Stimulate the competitive instinct

Compete with your colleagues and compare AQ levels.

Some of our business customers




Start your journey towards better company health today.

We are happy to answer any questions you have about how Mia Health can contribute to a more active company. Send us a message or arrange a meeting.